Affordable Waterfront Living in West Palm Beach

Flagler Pointe

Flagler Pointe Condos, consisting of 3 separate courtyard-style condo buildings, with over 400 units on Flagler Drive is located just outside of Downtown West Palm Beach. Flagler Pointe West Palm Beach boasts beautiful views of the Intracoastal and Palm Beach, with a convenient waterfront location that is still close to downtown. Flagler Pointe has a gorgeous courtyard-style pool at the center of the complex, with a putting green, an outdoor barbecue area, and plenty of room to relax and catch Intracoastal views. Flagler Pointe West Palm Beach also has a gym and clubhouse with a media area, a bar for entertaining, and a pool room. Many residents enjoy walking and biking up and down Flagler, right in front of Flagler Pointe. The condos at Flagler Pointe provide waterfront living at an affordable price and have condos for sale and for rent. View Flagler Pointe West Palm beach for sale and rentals below.

Statistics for Flagler Pointe West Palm Beach

Average Price $157K
Lowest Price $2K
Highest Price $725K
Total Listings 31
Avg. Price/SQFT $167

Property Types (active listings)

Flagler Pointe West Palm Beach

Flagler Pointe West Palm Beach consists of 3 separate courtyard-style condo buildings, with over 400 units on Flagler Drive. Available for sale and for rent, Flagler Pointe has a large pool and outdoor BBQ area. Some Key Features of Flagler Pointe West Palm Beach are:

  • Located on N Flagler Drive Waterfront
  • Affordable waterfront living in West Palm Beach
  • 5-minute drive to the heart of downtown's shopping & dining
Flagler Pointe Condo West Palm Beach

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